Given the surge of trolls in this subreddit lately, here is some history information about Bitcoin Cash for newcomers.

For any newbies coming here wondering why there is so much trolling against Bitcoin Cash, including anti-BCH propaganda and lies, I would like to spread awareness about this issue.

Bitcoin Cash, the peer to peer electronic cash system, shifts the dynamics of power from the elites back to the people. This is a threat to the survivability of the banks and regimes seeking to control the masses through the financial system. And there are many direct and indirect evidence (outlined below) of such bad actors trying to sabotage the peer to peer cash revolution through various means. We need your help to stand up against such saboteurs. Unity is our strength and we should make a righteous stand against the toxic bullies and shifts the power from the elites back into the people hands. Just by speaking up and spreading awareness on this, and refusing to stay silent about it, you’re making a difference, and for that, I thank you.

This is going to be a very long post, please bear with me. And it’s a very long post precisely because the bad actors had tried so many different things to sabotage the peer to peer cash project throughout the years.

Source (OP Return Reduction):

Source (Bitcoin RBF Vulnerability):

The global banking elites control over trillion dollars in assets. They can afford to throw few million dollars each day to protect their massive business empires. If I were them, I would make the same choice. It’s a no brainer. They don’t have to win; each day they sabotage the adoption of peer to peer cash, their trillion dollars empire survive another day while the rest of the population suffers.

There are actually plenty more nasty unethical things BTC bullies had done which is not covered here. Bitcoin Cash is an attempt to rescue what the bad actors had hijacked successfully, mainly the peer to peer cash revolution. And it won't be the last time the bad actors will try to find ways to sabotage this project.

And we need your help. Bitcoin Cash does not care if you are black, white, Asian, male, female, American, Iranian, Chinese… We are all about bringing economic freedom and financial sovereignty to the world, increasing quality of lives to everyone and putting the power back into the people hands. We are in this together.

submitted by /u/MobTwo
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