Whats not to like about Bitcoin Cash (BCH). Mark these words. Bitcoin Cash is the most "sane" version of "Bitcoin" on the planet - it follows the "Bitcoin" design most closely and has the sanest roadmap. If you like "Bitcoin", it would be a mistake to ignore Bitcoin Cash (BCH).

Yes. The field has dozens of cool coins with cool capabilities. Most seem to be non-POW. Most seem to be geared towards "smart" capabilities instead of focused on P2P payment. And none are as close to the original Bitcoin in design as Bitcoin Cash.

In this sense, Bitcoin Cash is rather unique. In the POW coins based on the "Bitcoin" design - the field is much less crowded.

I don't believe any coin focused on smart-contracts will be able to scale globally. but I also believe the final form of a global currency may not be a single currency but a network of them - so we'll see.

However, ignore Bitcoin Cash (BCH) at your own peril.

The full capabilities of Bitcoin as designed in the Bitcoin whitepaper - and low-fees as Satoshi intended for their design. Whats not to like?

If Satoshi wanted a "store of value" they would have come up with a design that doesn't just burn electricity if everyone is sitting on their "gold". Does gold burn any funds just sitting at the bottom of the ocean? Bitcoin does. I really dont' think a store of value should burn through $20M of electricity a day.

submitted by /u/mrtest001
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/pu18tp/whats_not_to_like_about_bitcoin_cash_bch_mark/
