Tuesday 9 November 2021

pseudo (fake) currencies vs. actual crypto currencies

The establishment has moved into pseudo-cryptocurrencies. They tout neato features like unlimited dollars and laser eyes and other memes and a complicated scaling plan with no blockchain involved.

Their plan is to pour unlimited dollars into the pseudo currencies, while mocking actual cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin Cash, with the hope of making crypto proponents defensive so that we all contribute to division and tribalism in the space.

At some point, after they've devalued it beyond all recognition, the establishment will move out of the US dollar and into its replacement.

Cryptocurrency users can supplant the establishment by dumping USD before they do.

submitted by /u/theygrabthemic
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/qpl1we/pseudo_fake_currencies_vs_actual_crypto_currencies/

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