This project will start a new movement in the whole NFT space. SHYGUYS NFT is here to help. Together with the community they're going to create a comic which will fund mental health foundations and give holders regular payouts. Check comments for their Website, you don’t want to miss this.

What do you guys think?

SHYGUYS is an NFT-Project for the community, by the community. 4141 Shy Guys with 180 Traits and 5 one-of-ones. We (and you) will create a story that includes aspects of real life mixed with the communitys creativity. You can decide how the future of this project will look like!

We will make a story that includes aspects of fantasy and also from real life. A story that should remind everyone that there are people who are not intentionally shy, introverted or "weird" as many people would say.

These people struggle with unimaginable mental insecurities and usually have a much greater will and heart than many others. They see things that no one else sees and feel things that no one else feels.

There are millions of reason that could have caused this, therefore they can't unfold their true self. Situations where they had no influence on what happened, without knowing what would build up in the future.

Such things are real and we can't ignore them anymore.

The SHYGUYS Projects Goal is to help the people that need it. By supporting, interacting, donating and opening everyones eyes, that this is a serious problem that has to be taken care of.

submitted by /u/OfficialNinSa
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