Unpopular opinion: $500 a coin is a GREAT price for Bitcoin to be.

Unpopular opinion: $500 a coin is a GREAT price for Bitcoin to be.

I started buying BTC in 2012 so I'm biased but to me a currency should aim to be somewhat stable or at least hover around a certain price and that's what BCH has done.

My story: I realized a little too late the difference between BTC and BCH. In 2017 I was up to 100 BTC and using it and loving life. Soon after the split I was so angry about the Blockstream clowns that I sold all bu 21 BTC for BCH and ETH.

The ETH of course did amazing and when ETH was around $2,500 I sold 500 all for BCH.


submitted by /u/Scared_Asss
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/qnm0qd/unpopular_opinion_500_a_coin_is_a_great_price_for/
