Want to spread adoption? Tip one person you upvote outside r/btc a day

This is a quick, unoriginal idea i had that i thought would be worth writing a post on. As the title suggests,

Tip one person you upvote outside r/btc a day

If just 1000 of us commit to tipping 1 person in a community you contribute to once a week, that's 1000 people who are (at the very least) made aware of BCH's existence and utility. Even if only 1% of those people read further into BCH, the butterfly effect of their possible contributions serves as a catalyst for further adoption.

For example, the u/tippr bot is fast to respond to queries/tips and works on most subreddits.

I've been tipping with it on r/pcmasterrace, r/blurrypicturesofdogs & r/PewdiepieSubmissions (Linked are 3 of my tips). If you find the bot is banned i suggest that you link the user to a previous tip you've made showing the bot so they can see it in action along with the great informative links it has in its footer.

Recently I've been making a habit of tipping more frequently on reddit, twitter and in videogames like Dota 2 and Diablo 3 (Cointext.io is a great service to show off when casually chatting with others ingame!). Most people are very curious about BCH - especially when you're offering them some casually; The tip i made on r/PewdiepieSubmissions for example was the 2nd top comment with 570 odd upvotes while the tips i made In-game have lead to some great conversations and friendships.

I'd argue that tipping is by far the most effective way to promote adoption with minimal effort and cost on your behalf.

5 minutes and a few bits is all it takes to be a part of BCHs PR team. You might even get a powerlevel or two out of it.

Edit: NP'd the links

submitted by /u/wae_113
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/8wq8p2/want_to_spread_adoption_tip_one_person_you_upvote/
