Change and the human nature to resist it

This is all from my personal experiences. People always resist it at first.

Change - Why change? What's happening right now is fine. Why are you being so greedy to change what's working?

After the change - Oh wow, this is great.

The next change - Why change? What's happening right now is fine. Why are you being so greedy to change what's working?

After the change - Oh wow, this is great.

And it just keeps repeating. People usually like the new thing, but until it happens they resist and resist.

Before the fork - Why do we need bigger blocksizes. Why prepare for faster transmission of blocks, they aren't even full yet. Why do we need tokens? What gives ABC the right to do anything? Who elected them.

After the fork - Wow this is great. Now we are getting prepared for worldwide adoption. Look at all these people that were considering ETH now coming to BCH. So glad there are volunteer developers spending enormous amounts of time and energy when they could be working for Google/Facebook/Apple making a ton more money.

There always need to be progress. Just sitting still because things are ok today is usually a mistake. Sitting in place might work for a while, but then complacency takes over more and more.

Decentralization - Am I for ABC or nChain? I am in general for someone that takes initiative, doesn't trash talk, and gets things done. I would prefer we have a way to all collaborate, but this is really quite a bit of decentralization.

Who owns BCH development? I don't know. Is that decentralized? Sounds like it to me. Who owns BTC development? Easy - the maintainer Wladimir van der Laan. If he doesn't press that merge button, it doesn't change. For BTC it comes down to one person agreeing or disagreeing. For BCH there is ABC, Bitcoin Unlimited, nChain and a few others involved.

TLDR: People don't like change until it happens, then they often love it.

submitted by /u/ericreid9
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