Tuesday, 28 August 2018

Cut the sh#@ out, you dumb as#holes (plea from a common user)

Anyone else feel lost and left out in this (likely-manufactured) shitstorm? I was just getting happy again with Bitcoin (BCH), when the powers-that-be decided to get into this dick-measuring contest. Because that's what power games and politics are. A bunch of little boys trying to control the world. I'm talking to you, Calvin Ayre, Craig Wright, and I'll throw in Amaury and Jihan, as well. Fuck you all. To the CSW trolls, screw you and your "skin in the game" narratives. Yeah, you parrot Nassim Nicholas Taleb, but you're still a bunch of dimwits of the worst sort. NNT memes don't make you "edgy" or "real", especially when your chief big-dick, CSW, doesn't know what he's talking about. Amaury/ABC team: cut out the grandstanding! You have, and have had a chance at a "start-over" at this radical new tech and you're completely fucking it up right now.

Purse.io is so cool again, memo.cash and yours.org are good starts. Heck, I can use BCH with the gyft app, just like 2015 (though they try to track the shit out of you ;) ). Maybe that's the point of all this: to frustrate absolutely everyone. You know the cool thing about free markets is, though? I can vote with my feet if you all continue to play your stupid-ass, masters of the universe games. Rant over...

submitted by /u/havequick
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/9avm01/cut_the_sh_out_you_dumb_asholes_plea_from_a/

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