PSA: Just a warning that things that sound good in theory don't always work very well in practice. Check out, decentralised youtube sounds good right? But IPFS and the way work have a lot of drawbacks. People need to be honest about them.

Before I went on to, I had to make a decision about putting any effort in to steemit. It all sounded so good and nice. So I post my content and if I just post good enough content I might make over a 1000 dollars of revenue on a single post! But then I rationally thought about what the steemit website was trying to tell me. And I realized that the life of a person on steemit consists 99% of tit for tat and 1% of creating actual content. On steemit you just need to convince enough other people to upvote your content and promise them you will upvote it back. If you thing Youtube is getting gamed right now, how about a system like that? Anyway, steemit works together with which is basically just bittorrent but for youtube videos.

We all know that sometimes a torrent does not work because there are no seeders. Even an amazing movie that is really worth watching might have no seeders. So what about a 2 hour video of Kain_niaK rambling while being sleep deprived. How valuable is something like that for a bunch of people to be willing to have my shitty content take up their valuable hard drive space.

So if you go on to /r/dtube/ right now you and you compare it with what is was 12 months ago you can compare theory with practise.

Theory --> You are going to direcly make money with your video content.

Practise --> you have to pay people to hostyour videos, if you don't pay they stop hosting.

This means that the revenu you create from your own video content needs to be higher than the cost to host it.

This is all pretty straight forward and rational. Yet when it comes to the dream of becoming rich without really having to be successful with anything. All of this rationality kind of goes out of the window. Until reality hits you in the face, it's just a matter of time.

Moral of the story: Please rationaly figure out over arching mechanism and ask questiosn about them and if they don't make sense and nobody is willing to anwser your questions you should go look for something else and not waste time building castles in the sky. Which is a proverb that will probably get replaced with building "blockchains in the cloud"

submitted by /u/Kain_niaK
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