WARNING: /u/Anenome5 is spamming VPN upvoted posts about CSW stealing BSV coins, but what he's really up to is trying to fool you into thinking Dave Kleiman was Satoshi to make CSW seem closer to Satoshi by association..

This toolbag made a suspiciously high upvoted post about how "CSW is the first cryptographically proven con artist".

Just a day or two later, he reposted that "CSW is trying to steal Satoshi's BSV coins" but the post links back to the first "cryptographically proven con artist" post.

Both posts have the same suspiciously highly upvoted short story from the OP con-artist that rehashes the CSW con on Gavin, and then inserts the theory that Dave Kleiman was Satoshi in the second half of the short story.

Dave Kleiman was NOT Satoshi.

1) There is zero evidence of this, outside of CSW's own lies

2) Dave Kleiman wasn't part of the cypherpunk movement, and didn't frequent the chatrooms and forums where Satoshi introduced the idea

I think the OP is trying to con people into thinking Dave Kleiman was Satoshi in order to more closely associate CSW with Satoshi, perhaps that CSW was "in the room" when Bitcoin was created (another lie that keeps being repeated by these conmen).

I've tagged him in RES as a CSW shill, and I recommend you do the same.

submitted by /u/segregatemywitness
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/a8lhu3/warning_uanenome5_is_spamming_vpn_upvoted_posts/
