When interacting with SV supporters, please remember...

Being duped doesn't make someone a bad person, or an idiot. It just means that they got duped.

There is probably a surprising number of a real people who were just particularly susceptible to the pseudo profound bullshit consistently spewed by CSW.


The CSW narrative is a tempting one, just like the one pushed by Blockstream. Someone can really, honestly think that they're being critically rational when, in fact, they're not.

Given that, there's no need to attack their characters; it just makes things worse. It convinces them that they're on the right side of things, defending it against the evil "other side" that just doesn't get it.

That means that we should either engage in an affirming, understanding way, or not at all.

I don't doubt that some number of CSW supporting accounts could actually not be genuine people. But it is literally impossible to tell the difference between a brainwashed real person and a paid shill, so please don't try, or bother making accusations. Either engage reasonably and calmly, for the benefit of the other person and those following along with the conversation, or not at all.

Thanks for reading.

submitted by /u/AD1AD
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/a47ny2/when_interacting_with_sv_supporters_please/
