Am I the only one?

That thinks we should be treating BTC as an asset which yields long term gains similar to stock or gold, and treating BCH as (no pun intended) cash?

Isn’t BCH’s value largely affected by the price of BTC anyway? (Kind of like how the dollar value used to be affected by the price of gold).

Practically, I would imagine a situation almost exactly like the relationship described above. People sell stock for cash and trade cash for stock, why can’t the same be true for Cryptocurrencies?

This is the only seemingly obvious solution to me, as if BTC was intended to be that way all along. Would make a whole lot of sense to be cooperating instead of propagating the silly rivalry.

Pls roast me if I am way off base here.

Tl;dr - Porque no los dos?

Edit: “affected like the price of gold” to “affected by the price of gold” because I am a donkey.

submitted by /u/masterchz
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