A bit confused... I want to love it, maybe I'm missing something?

This will not be popular here, but my BTC transactions have always confirmed faster. If BCH takes more time to ultimately confirm, then what is the real benefit? (genuinely asking, I feel I may be missing the point).

Bitcoin (Bitcoin cash/BCH) is supposed to be better for the everyday user, day-to-day transactions. But every time I use transact with BCH, it is left unconfirmed for 2+ hours. Sure, whatever service I'm using will send the transaction (whether my hard wallet, an exchange, coinbase digital wallet, etc..) but that is the same with every cryptocurrency.

Little background: I am a fairly experienced cryptocurrency user - I have been interested in the crypto space since its early days, have tried & used several cryptocurrencies for a variety of purposes, as well as buying and trading several others to truly see for myself what the user experience is like, what the benefits are to each, etc... I do NOT have a strong Technical Knowledge of actual blockchain development, coding languages, etc..


submitted by /u/lilspud21
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/ezjryo/a_bit_confused_i_want_to_love_it_maybe_im_missing/
