AMA: Cultural Learnings of BCH HODLERS for Make Benefit Glorious Nation of BCH MINERS!

Yak Shi Mash! Borat not only confused the world, but yakshimash actually means "Ask miners anything!" in minerspeak.

We are unhappy about the current state of misunderstandings caused by opinionated high profile personalities seeking to win popularity contests. So we've gathered the most pro BCH altruistic miners to come here and share their under represented views. Please note, though we all love BCH, we don't always share the same view, so our opinions will vary.

Time: BEGINS 11pm EST Duration: 1-2 hours with subsequent 24 hours at lower response rate Miners participating: u/ugtarmas u/cryptomemer u/DigitalOwls u/1kbken

submitted by /u/1kbken
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