Testnet wallet BTC - Transfer funds from wallet A to wallet B

Hi, I created a papper wallet (https://walletgenerator.net/?currency=Testnet%20Bitcoin#) and transfer some funds to the wallet A, but now I have only access to the private/public key.

What is the easier way to transfer my funds to a different wallet B (testnet too)?

I don't have an android with me, only iOS, macos and ubuntu.

Ideally, it would be nice an online wallet so I can import my private key and transfer the btc to another wallet.

wallet: https://live.blockcypher.com/btc-testnet/address/mi3cnwcMkrJ6mLGyZzQe7RKrwdx7wtgReP/

public key: mi3cnwcMkrJ6mLGyZzQe7RKrwdx7wtgReP


submitted by /u/diogopms
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