"The balance is zero" error on https://votes.cash

Thought I'd describe the situation and ask if anyone's got the same error before.

Trying to sign using an address in Electron Cash that has got coins on it.

When I submit the signature, the site gives me the error message

 Error: The balance is zero <unknown legacy address> 

The legacy address given does NOT correspond to the bitcoincash: address I used to sign.

Also, searching the Addresses in the wallet for the address displayed by the site, does not show up any such address in my wallet.

For now, I assume it is a bug on votes.cash, because I used the site, and the same Electron Cash wallet version, to successfully submit a signature in the past.

As an interesting detail, the address in question was filled by a CashFusion consolidation transaction, so maybe that somehow throws off the amount detection?

Although the wrong legacy address seems to indicate it's more likely a pubkey processing issue.

I am not too concerned about this bug. I could try working around it by moving the coins to a new (non-CashFusion) address and see if that fixes it. I might report back in a while.

Mostly I am curious if anyone else has faced the same issue.

submitted by /u/Pablo_Picasho
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/j03l16/the_balance_is_zero_error_on_httpsvotescash/
