11 year old address involved in dusting attack costing millions?

Anyone able to provide some insight in very strange activity I have noticed?

Here we can see a July 2010 coinbase address spend to a bech32 address:https://blockchair.com/bitcoin/address/1H44TbhRh1HVYs1aCP7CcdPZJQkzpdR8fX

... at the same link you can also see that blockchair reports the 1H44T... address is involved in what seems to be a dusting attack.

Further - in each transaction 6 burner addresses are involved which contains the words: "Lets use full power of anonymity See memo dot sv topic hmwyda"

Here is the transactions (receivals) of the first burner address:https://blockchair.com/bitcoin/address/1Lets1xxxx1use1xxxxxxxxxxxy2EaMkJ

As you can see its currently ongoing and going for days involving varying amounts of BTC in each transaction. I am trying to estimate the USD involved for this attack by paging through the list of transactions. I have no idea how much is involved but it seems that it can easily be millions? (I'm sure someone will figure quickly exactly how much is involved).

What can be the intent of this? Surely not advertising as you can buy Superbowl ads with that kind of money. Any other ideas?


Many seem to misunderstand what I mean by my "millions of dollars" claim. Let me try and explain... This attack (or whatever you want to call it) can be observed in the second link or this one which seems faster: https://btc.com/1Lets1xxxx1use1xxxxxxxxxxxy2EaMkJ. In each of these transactions a substantial amount of BTC was sent to hundreds of address as dust amounts. Dust amounts/utxo's is practically un-spendable because fees exceed their value. On this last link I shared there is 115 pages of these transactions with 20 transactions each. I used an average of 1 BTC per transaction spent to get to 2300 BTC or 115 Million US Dollars which is now un-spendable.

Edit 2:

My mistake was assuming all funds were sent as dust. This article - https://blog.lopp.net/history-bitcoin-transaction-dust-spam-storms/ (search for "BSV spam") - estimated ~11.5 BTC ($630,000) spent in fees + un-spendable dust 2 weeks ago. Still a senseless amount to spend on advertising so can only assume another motive like congesting the BTC chain for some reason.

submitted by /u/fiddley2000
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