Listening to Bitcoin Clubhouse Chats and Cringing

I'm here listening to a conversation between Kim Dotcom and Dennis Porter. Dennis can't seem to get over his decentralization kink and belief that BCH with larger blocks is centralized. He keeps saying that it's harder to run a Bitcoin node now than it was 5 years ago or whatever. I wonder if this Dennis guy has actually ever run a node. I just posted a month or two ago about fully syncing a full node in about three hours using a fairly pedestrian mini-PC (Intel NUC). It's not hard to run a node at all! I truly don't understand where this is coming from. Dennis also doesn't seem to understand that pruned nodes are not only possible, but already exist.

Also, Jimmy Song apparently got so pissed that Dennis let Kim talk. He accused Kim of spouting unspecified lies and ragequit the chat. I don't know if he was just trying to score maxi points or maybe his brain has been addled by substances or something. Jimmy was completely unhinged.

PS: the room was being recorded, so none of this is "private" information.

submitted by /u/gotamd
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