Wednesday, 22 August 2018

Dear /u/deadalnix and Craig Wright - please introduce Bitcoin Cash Improvement Protocols for your proposed changes. Voting to avoid contention is one of the underlying purposes of Bitcoin.

There does not need to be contention and the way some of these protocol upgrades are being introduced is frankly getting ridiculous.

Paging /u/deadalnix:

There are two improvements you and ABC intend to make that are causing contention and could lead to a chain split. please follow these steps to gain community consensus:

1) Please publish a BIP for CTO.

2) Please wait until CTO has majority hash power.

3) Then and only then - please implement CTO in your next upgrade.

Please repeat this process for OP_CHECKDATASIG.

Personally, I support CHECKDATASIG - I don't represent the entirety of BCH though. Things like this need to happen within the bitcoin protocol limits.

I don't have Craig Wright's handle, but a BIP is needed for his conflicting / original DATASIG implementation as well as 128MB blocks.

So CSW here are your steps:

1) Please publish a BIP for re-enablement of the previous Check Data opcode.

2) Please wait until that BIP has majority hash power.

3) Then and only then - please implement the original opcode in your next upgrade.

Please repeat this process for 128MB blocks.

Until these minimum requirements are met, I would strongly encourage miners to switch off of ABC or SV clients ahead of November.

To both of you, we as a community greatly appreciate your contributions and hope that you remain in the ecosystem to continue to help Bitcoin Cash. With that being said developers alone do not control the path of Bitcoin; Instead, the community builds Bitcoin together. Please be part of the community.

submitted by /u/CaptainPatent
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