Wednesday, 22 August 2018

Do you guys ever see those reddit accounts that only ever post about the same subject, debate another reddit account that only ever posts about the same topic. Back and forth again, again and again and again.

Yeah, that's just a tactic so that real people that come to /r/btc feel like the sub is just about conflict and drama. That first impression people get when they go to a new sub to see if it's a place for them.

When I first came to /r/btc the same thing happened to me. I was like: ah, nah thanks, what a nasty place.

What defense is there against this:

Well a bit of self discipline. It's not to hard:

  • Use RES tags to tell yourself what to do with certain tagged people and be consistent.

  • Don't engage, if you don't like troll or drama don't feed it.

  • check people their reddit history, if they only ever comment about one subject within ONE topic ... you are dealing with a person with an agenda.

  • Those topics about subjects you have seen a million times, don't comment in them. Downvote and move on.

  • check the new queue once in a while. Upvote what you think should be on top in the sub and downvote what you think nobody should ever see.

  • If two of these peeps are in another endless debate. As example let's say geekmonk vs contrarian. Downvote the beginning of the debate and don't waste your time reading it. Even though maybe you really agree with contrarians point of view or geekmonks (or whatever account he is using)

The danger is that you are being gamed. And that the person doing the gaming has no beef in who wins the argument. They might be the same person, debating back and forth with themselves. Simply to give off the vibe than in the /r/btc community everybody always fights.

And finally the best defense against all this oh-my-god-it's-giving-me-a-headache type of topics is simply by creating some good content yourself and posting that.

Bitcoin Cash will only become a success if we all work hard at it. And the more the drama steals our time the less likely that will happen.

Ignore that what you don't want to see, if you fuel you ... you will simply see more of it. Reddit is gameable but your downvote button still offers you a tiny bit of power. But if you downvote and still engage after your downvote, you lose precious time and a peaceful state of mind.

And finally:

Don't only use reddit. Go hang out at the Bitcoin Cash Association discord server. It's managed and fully controlled by people that love Bitcoin Cash and a way more enjoyable place then /r/btc. Trolls and people that don't know how to properly threat other human beings will get politely be asked to cut-out-the-crap and if not will be booted off.

If you can, find a local Bitcoin Cash community. Try to hang out and participate with them. Build your own tiny Bitcoin Cash island community, separated from all the others ones ... with the only connection being Bitcoin Cash.

Decentralise the passion for Bitcoin Cash! The vibe and feelings of a community are also very important. On /r/btc it's very hard to keep that vibe a good one because we get attacked so much and because it's hard to defend against that on reddit.

Social media is now the key instrument of the propaganda of the TPTB. You are throwing yourself in a sea of sharks!

Use your heart together with your brain. Once you feel like you are getting to know a certain fellow Bitcoin Cashers, make sure you get a public key from them or an address that you can savely store somewhere. This will allow you for the future to send them encrypted message that only they can read. This will allow you to verify if it's still really them, years in the future.

(I am going to make my own personal list with this stuff, then I will be able to defend myself in the future against all the trickery)

Everybody should have an address that you use to be able to identify yourself and proof it's you. Mine is 1Niak6WPi1NDYquYGBc6TYVerheyEGeXM7

All thought it's possible the key for that will leak at one point (I am not Satoshi when it comes to this stuff), if I can use these new weapons that Satoshi gave us in favor of individuality and trust, anybody in the world can. Might take some practise but it's possible!

submitted by /u/Kain_niaK
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