Binance US has locked my account and for 2 months refuses to lift the restriction, let me trade, or withdraw my money. No customer. I feel like they are stealing my money. Pls help

I’m writing this as a request for the crypto community to please help. Any suggestions or ideas to this problem? I was locked out due to a chargeback which was confirmed by my bank to have NEVER OCCURED. My bank said that they have made they deposit before so it wouldn’t be charged back unless the funds were not there and the funds definitely were there. Since then I have had 3 support tickets all unanswered but one in which I got an obviously canned response that did nothing to help me out. I am being punished for absolutely no reason and now it’s beginning to cost me money. I have also spoken to a couple of the binance Reddit mods with no help. One of them even banned me off the subreddit for “making false statements” when Every statement I made was true and he spent more time and effort into silencing me than helping me out. I don’t know what else to do but it’s making me very skeptical about the entire cryptocurrency market.

I also found a community of other people in the same exact boat at r/binanceusclassaction Binance US is part of the binance tree and the CEO is making daily teeets about how much money he’s making while ignoring the issues of his victims. Somebody please help. All we ask for is our money or coins back.

submitted by /u/eliteccmaki
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