Question in regards to bandwidth

Recently had a debate in regards to lightning vs Bch on chain scaling, vs wrapped btc on ethereum, and I would like to have a open discussion about pretty much the only few options why some believe lightning or wrapped is better than bch. I’m by no means bias to any direction and would just like to point out pros and cons of each direction

So lightning advocates say for someone to not need custodial services you need to run your own node and open and close your own Channels. That sounds incredibly complicated for average people but let’s let them have that and say eventually it will get simplified for everyone because there’s massive money involved to do so.

They claim Bch is already dead in the water compared to lightning because of “block size” bandwidth and node costs. The node costs I was able to quickly address isn’t a major concern When you factor a node cost for core or Bch are both outside the cost of generally most humans on earth. So given that and the fact hardware keeps getting cheaper doesn’t justify the ever expanding storage requirement argument.

What did get me intrigued was from the networking aspect of block validation and passing larger and larger blocks will be highly inefficient due to global bottle necks in bandwidth and what not. I have a background in networking and can somewhat see what they mean hypothetically if say blocks bit 1gb but aren’t they also forgetting to rule out the ever dropping costs of bandwidth and growing throughput?

Now in regards to wrappedbtc that’s simple, people assume “transaction “ and leverage access will be obtained on other networks such as ethereum which to me makes some sense if everyone’s building these programs out in it. So yes that seems like a cool idea but not something that beats the actual use case of Bch. So it’ll serve it’s purpose but it’s not necessarily a competitor to me like some say “more wrapped btc lockup than in lightning “

So I guess what I’m trying to say is my most concerning point that has any weight to me was block size bandwidth issues so if someone can genuinely break that down as a non concern that would be great and a fun conversation to have.

I personally believe in current form Bch is quietly ahead but put down, but the lacking hash rate makes me worried that even if I’m right about Bch being superior it was supresses hard enough to not essentially matter. I don’t believe in custodial services , i understand lightning is mostly custodial and from what I understand the only real non custodial requires a full node and opening and closing Channels (can someone clarify that in more depth like let’s say it grows and you go to target then the gas station then the movies will I or an app need to open and close channels or fund them?) in current form it’s beyond comprehension for 99% of society no matter what anyone of tech background says. It’s not as Simple as scan a qr and be done with it no 2nd layer confusion (which may or may not become more simplistic but to me that will always = custodians which honestly most people probably never will care about at least not Americans )

submitted by /u/art3m1sC01n
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