Funny how BTC transaction fees have made new ATHs and yet BTC transaction fee-related posts have little visibility on r/bitcoin

Case in point: the front page as filtered by the "hot" tab is populated by "hodl" and "i'm going to buy Bitcoin" and "Bitcoin is going to take over fiat" posts. You would have to go to the 3rd page before seeing a post related to the exorbitant transaction fees (only 6 upvotes).

Either the Bitcoin reddit crowd is now predominantly made up of people whose only interaction with Bitcoin is to buy and sit on it on an exchange or one of the IOU services like Paypal, or there is active suppression of the transaction fee related posts to make sure they have little visibility.

I cannot imagine that average Bitcoin fees topping $60 is not an urgent enough issue for the Bitcoin community to sit down and discuss about immediate steps to alleviate the situation.

submitted by /u/jmjavin
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