So yesterday I decided to buy a vps and domain name with crypto. I had lots of btc from the price rise so I used that for the domain. I decided to try anyway despite everyone saying its going to take ages. I also decided to use the lowest fees available with was somewhere around ~$0.70 on electrum. I had to wait but the transaction took about 1 hour to get 1 conformation. I thought "hmm, not bad", I also paid way lower fees than everyone was talking about ($10-$20). I decided that maybe everyone posting online had bad luck. After all, what's the point of posting about good things?
Then I went to buy the vps. I did the same process, paid similar fees and waited and waited and waited. And this time it took way longer to confirm. I decide to wait thinking it would soon confirm. This time it took 4 HOURS??! Who in this earth has time to wait for 4 hours for a payment to go though? I know I could increase fees but why should I when alternatives allow you to pay much lower fees and have your transaction confirm in about 2 minutes?
I went though the same process with bch and xmr before and it confirmed so much quicker and with way lower fees. That's how you normally pay. You don't stand there and say "wait a bit. I just have to take my money out of my pocket in slow-mo". I don't know why anyone would bother with btc anymore. Pay more, waste time.
And before anyone says "oh you could've used lightning" very few accept lightning right now. And besides, you still have to pay ransom (fees) to close channels.
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