Wednesday, 1 August 2018

Announcing BitBacker.Cash: a Patreon-inspired crowdfunding platform built for Bitcoin Cash

Hey everyone! I posted about this on Sunday and was very pleased with all your support, but for maximum exposure, I hope it's okay if I re-post this. This time, I want to focus more on hearing your feedback. What do you look for in a cryptocurrency-based, Patreon-like crowdfunding site? What features do you want that Patreon or other sites don't have? What would make you use BitBacker.Cash over another platform?

I've also updated the website with a new landing page, where you can subscribe with your email to be notified when the site is out of alpha and launched. Do that here:

Original post starts below (with some additional stuff):

I was inspired a few months ago to start working on BitBacker.Cash, seeing a need for a cryptocurrency-based crowdfunding website (as Patreon doesn't plan on supporting cryptocurrency), and of course I had to build one powered by Bitcoin Cash.

I've been working on-and-off on this project in my spare time, but after seeing the allegations surrounding Bitreon, I thought I'd release an alpha of BitBacker.Cash for you guys to check out, and to let you know that there are other alternatives out there in-the-making.

The current functionality is pretty limited. If you're a content creator, I've only just recently finished the functionality to create a BitBacker page (all the basic stuff is there, and you'll be able to upload an avatar and change the default header picture later). If you're not, well, I'll be working on letting you back creators next. Also, I will admit I am pretty bad at designing a website so I haven't worried too much about how it looks right now. There's no logo either. If you'd like to help me out in either of those regards, please feel free to reach out!

Check out an example of what a BitBacker page looks like:

How will payments work?

As a content creator, you will be able to simply enter your Bitcoin Cash wallet address when creating your page. All payments will automatically be sent to that address, and you can change it whenever you want.
As a backer, my plan is to walk you through the process of creating a 1-of-2 multi-sig P2SH address where you can deposit funds, which will automatically be distributed by BitBacker.Cash to the people you back. This removes the need for any desktop applications/plugins (such as Electron Cash), and since it is a multi-sig address, you still have control and can move the funds out whenever you want, even if the site goes down.
In the end, my goal is for both the content creator and back to have complete control of their funds, and make it easy to send automatic payments.

Who is the team behind BitBacker.Cash?

As of right now, it's just me - a solo developer who had an idea, and a passion for the real Bitcoin.
I have over 6 years of web development experience, with back-end experience mostly in PHP, and 2+ years of Node.js. I've been doing full-stack development for a long time, with some dev-ops experience too with running my own servers. I got into the cryptocurrency scene with Bitcoin a few years ago, subscribed to /r/Bitcoin, then later on /r/btc when /r/Bitcoin started being censored. I watched the big blocks debate happen over the span of a year or more, followed the Segwit2X drama, and immediately started using Bitcoin Cash when the hardfork happened.
You can check out my GitHub profile here, but most of my recent work in the past few years has been for private (contracted) projects so it doesn't exactly reflect my current skills. My GitHub profile also includes a link to my portfolio (which is also somewhat outdated at the moment).

How do you plan on earning money to keep BitBacker.Cash running?

Well... I'm definitely not looking for you guys to crowdfund me 100 BCH up-front. I'll probably run a BitBacker page myself for you guys to support - in fact, I already have one, and I will likely charge a very, very small fee when sending automatic payments from a backer's wallet to the content creator (1% or less, as long as it makes sense to do so - if 1% is less than what's considered "dust", there won't be a fee at all).
I started this project with $0 in my pocket, which means I don't have any money to spend on advertising or bribing convincing popular Patreon creators to switch over, but I hope with the Bitcoin Cash community's help, BitBacker.Cash will grow, loud and proud, into something worth using.

When will the site be fully up-and-running?

I plan to finish implementing all the basic features over the next month of August, which is basically creating backer-only posts as a content creator, backing a creator and viewing backer-only posts as a user, plus a bit of polish in terms of UX. Later on I'll be implementing email notifications for when your BitBacker wallet is running low on funds (optional, only if you give us your email!), and maybe fancier stuff like being able to explore a directory of BitBacker pages based on your interests, view top creators, et cetera.
For now... if you're a content creator, go wild and get your BitBacker page up and running!
Of course, this is all dependent on your support! I know the site isn't flashy or beautiful, and I may not have the skills to make it that way, but I do have the skills to make it work well, and lots of heart. I created BitBacker.Cash as a passion project for the community, so if you think it's a terrible idea or I'm not the right person to be doing this, or any other criticisms, I'm listening.

Where can I follow you for news about updates or contact you?

I plan on posting about short updates/changelogs on Memo and Twitter during the alpha period. If you'd like to contact me privately, you can message me on Reddit, Twitter, or you can email me at contact (at)

And of course, if you have any more questions I haven't covered yet, please let me know and I will do my best to answer them. All feedback is welcome, and I really just want to know your thoughts on this before I keep going forward with the project. :) Is this something you would use over other sites, whether as a content creator or to support one?

Oh... one more thing. Should I refer to the site as *BitBacker.Cash** or simply BitBacker? I've been kind of struggling with this one - your input is welcome!*

Lastly, don't forget to subscribe to my mailing list for launch notifications! Click here to do so:

submitted by /u/waylaidwanderer
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