What does OP_RETURN do? I think I accidentally burned my money.

Update: nothing's lost, I just didn't know how change addresses worked! Leaving this post up for any poor soul who gets freaked out by their BCH being sent to another address.

Stumbled upon this post about http://backit.cash/. Wanted to participate so I tried to follow how it work. I typed something, it gave me [BACKIT.CASH MESSAGE> blabla, and it said Sign the whole text below with your Bitcoin Cash wallet. I wasn't yet aware how I could sign a message via my Trezor, so I was looking for a way to send a transaction that includes data. The only way to do that was by adding OP_RETURN to a transaction, which I did. Pasted that "function" in there, hit the send button which said "SEND US$0.00", then signed the transaction on my Trezor. Apparently that sent 6.35 BCH to a random address?

My trezor still says I have all of my 10 BCH, but this blockchain explorer says the 6.35 are spent. Really not sure what to trust right now. Did I lose the 6.35?

Thanks for your time. Signed, a BCH noob.

Here's my comment on that post: https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/9jnmxy/just_finished_a_fun_little_project_backitcash/e6tkzz3/

submitted by /u/Fuck_Im_Angry_
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/9jr7d8/what_does_op_return_do_i_think_i_accidentally/
