What are the most common Bitcoin FUD?

Here is my list in order of how often I hear them:

  1. Bitcoin is a bubble or a fad
  2. The government will shut it down
  3. Bitcoin is too volatile to be an actual currency
  4. Bitcoin is for criminals
  5. What happens if the internet goes down/EMP?
  6. Bitcoin is backed by nothing
  7. I’ve heard of “Bitcoin hacks”, so Bitcoin will get hacked and is unsafe.
  8. Bitcoin can be copied (altcoins). What stops Bitcoin 2.0 from winning?
  9. Bitcoin is going to ruin the environment
  10. Bitcoin won’t scale up to support all global transactions
  11. Deflation is bad
  12. Developers will put a bug into the protocol
  13. Miners will abandon Bitcoin when the miner subsidy runs out

Please suggest more. I want to get a solid crowd-sourced list.

submitted by /u/ReedWommack
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