Electron Cash website link to Electron Cash SLP goes to a 404 page. Electron Cash SLP needs more Graph Servers

This is bad for new users.

The link on the front page here: https://electroncash.org/ that goes to the SLP wallet, goes to here: https://simpleledger.cash/project/electron-cash-slp-edition/

Which is a 404/403/Not Found. Additionally locating the SLP wallet to download should be WAY more clear on https://simpleledger.cash

Electron Cash SLP is taking a large shite today because the "Graph Search Servers" are totally overloaded. There is only 3 and 2/3 are overloaded and the 3rd is refusing all connections.




How can we run our own gs to help the network?

submitted by /u/effgee
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/n9r2sx/electron_cash_website_link_to_electron_cash_slp/
