Let me make this clear.. Bitcoin was created to protect against inflation/ economic recession‘s

As we all know bitcoin was launched in 2008 during the financial crisis

Bitcoin is a commodity/asset/hedge against the US dollar and inflation, the more money they print the more valuable your bitcoin will become, The less valuable fiat will become.

Majority of People during times of inflation do not keep their money in their bank accounts, they put it in safe haven assets.

We might be down today but long-term everything that’s happening is a perfect storm for bitcoin.

When billion and trillion dollar companies have massive amounts of funds sitting in their accounts, and inflation or hyperinflation is hitting they will allocate their money into assets that will hedge against the current economic disaster....bitcoin.

And yes inflation is happening before our eyes and it’s only going to get worse, regardless of what some may think.

submitted by /u/Accomplished_Dig_247
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