A Call for Bitcoin Cash Truth and Reconciliation

The longer this war continues, the more it becomes clear that the intent of the war is to harm Bitcoin Cash, the true Bitcoin: a Peer-to-peer Electronic Cash System.

At this point, the SV hostile takeover has failed.

The SV chain has decisively split away from the chain followed by all other BCH clients - ABC, XT, BU, and Flowee, among others.

There will be no unified chain that includes SV.

The market has decisively spoken out against SV. The only industry support it has at this point is from a handful of companies funded by nchain and a handful of politically motivated exchanges and thought leaders that are sympathetic to BTC and hostile to BCH (ie bitfinex).

At this point, continued infighting serves only the goal of harming the mission of peer to peer cash.

It is time to end the war and resume building peer to peer cash.

I therefore call on my fellows for reconciliation. Lay down your arms, cease this senseless attack, come back to building Bitcoin: a Peer-to-peer Electronic Cash System with us on BCH.

We will welcome your return. Many of us - myself included - fell for our attackers lies and deceits, or were unsure of their true motives, and allied with the attacker, or like myself, failed to recognize the attack for what it was until it was well nigh upon us.

People make mistakes. People can learn from mistakes. That's part of being human. It's okay to admit that you have made a mistake. I myself have done so.


If, going forward, you persist in supporting our attacker, you are therefore identifying yourself as an enemy of peer to peer cash. And make no mistake about it: there are many enemies of peer to peer cash amongst our attackers ranks, including, quite likely, our attackers themselves.

We must not allow them to tear us apart. Now is the time to quit fighting and resume building.

I therefore call on all supporters of peer to peer cash to come forward, admit your mistakes as I have done, and be welcomed home.

Let's continue forward by building what our enemy is most afraid of: Bitcoin: a Peer-to-peer Electronic Cash System.

submitted by /u/jessquit
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/9xusw9/a_call_for_bitcoin_cash_truth_and_reconciliation/
