Some observations about the trolling effects.

There is something which I had observed recently is that...

1) The trolls are back in huge numbers in the last couple of weeks. I suspect at least some of these Bitcoin Core trolls are the same people as the BSV trolls. Divide and conquer, that's what they wanted to achieve.

2) Part of the community whom I knew didn't like ABC before are now supporting ABC. The trolls actually pushed people towards supporting ABC, making ABC a bigger community than before. Thanks to the trolling activities from BSV side, more people are supporting ABC than ever.

3) The people who supports ABC are now more bonded than ever. It seems when you have someone (eg. the trolls) whom you commonly dislikes, people with different opinions are willing to put them aside and start banding together.

4) The hashwar drama has created a lot of awareness for Bitcoin Cash, making BCH a bigger community than before. The war proves that Bitcoin Cash is decentralized and working as intended (if it's centralized, there won't be a hash war to begin with).

Bitcoin Cash as decentralized peer to peer cash for the world lives on. I don't think crypto is ever going away, and given only Bitcoin Cash is ready to scale for the whole world to use... I have no doubt that we are definitely part of the early adopters. The next 5-10 years is going to be very interesting for Bitcoin Cash.

submitted by /u/MobTwo
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