Why today's stress test is nothing more than SV marketing

The previous stress test highlighted problems BCH has with blocks over ~22mb.

Some of those include:

  1. AcceptToMempool -- limiting how many transactions a node can process on current hardware
  2. DOS prevention -- limiting the transactions a networked node is willing to receive
  3. HTTP RPC protocol -- slow speed to transfer data between full nodes and pool software

1 & 2 are bottlenecks on the maximum throughput of the network.

3 slows down block propagation and increases risk of a larger block being orphaned

However, none of these real world issues will be tested on the SV chain today.

Instead of miners receiving transactions from other nodes on the network, all of the transactions will be generated on or near mining nodes.

Instead of being concerned about blocks being orphaned, all of the hashrate is owned by one entity.

Essentially scaling in SV cannot be observed or proven because the stress test environment will be more similar to Bitcoin Unlimited's Gigablock Testnet. 128mb blocks should be easy to recreate in such an environment as it's already a solved problem.

submitted by /u/SpendBCH_io
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/9xvt76/why_todays_stress_test_is_nothing_more_than_sv/
