Please set up your nodes to collect data for the stress test tomorrow.

Please make sure you have NTP or timesyncd installed and active, or another form of clock synchronization, and please enable debug=bench and do anything else you can think of to collect data on node performance.

The stress test is expected to be pretty big. The expected transaction throughput rate on this one is something like 250 tx/sec, which is likely to saturate ABC's net_processing code. It will be informative if we can collect some data on where exactly in the code the bottlenecks are. If you know how to compile from source, it would be great to compile bitcoind with profile symbols enabled (export CXXFLAGS="-pg -O 2", I think, followed by "./bitcoind -daemon=0" -- profiling data won't be collected in daemon mode). Also, information on whether the UTXO cache and disk activity is the bottleneck will be helpful. Does dbcache=8192 help? If you have a ton of RAM, does cat ~/.bitcoin/chainstate/* >/dev/null help? (That would cache the DB at the OS level. Still uses leveldb, but no disk.) Do you see high disk tps with iostat? High iowait %?

Unfortunately, I'm extremely busy right now and won't have the time I wish I had to devote to this project, so if anybody else who has time who can make specific suggestions on how to implement the things above, that would be appreciated.

The thread for config options on the first stress test is here. Also, there's my writeup of the Sep 1st stress test results.

If any of you are running BSV nodes, please set those up for data logging too.

submitted by /u/jtoomim
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