BSV is going to zero. CSW / nChain / Coingeek have no intention to support a separate BSV coin. They didn't even build a BSV wallet or block explorer.

BSV is going to zero.

The price crash could be fairly quick, because not even CSW / nChain / Coingeek will support a separate BSV coin.

They tried to hijack BCH's existing ecosystem & relationships, and they have no interest in building a new ecosystem from scratch.

This is why they insisted there would be "no split" (wrong), and why they didn't even build a BSV block explorer.

They're like Somali pirates. Their business model is hijacking oil tankers, not building oil tankers. If they fail in a hijacking, they will look for another hijacking opportunity, rather than become ship builders.

This is the opposite of traditionally forked coins. For example, when ABC forked BCH in August 2017, Amaury, Roger, etc were prepared to build BCH as a separate coin, use relationships to rebuild the ecosystem (getting added by Coinbase, Bitpay, etc), promote it on the website, etc.

So when the industry decides that BSV is now a separate coin that can be transferred to exchanges, watch out below, because it will be a zombie coin with no support.

BSV will head towards zero, then start to be delisted from exchanges.

submitted by /u/normal_rc
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