[showerthought] If SV believes that majority chains should kill minority chains, why did they build a minority chain client?

Let's start by adopting the position proposed by SV advocates like Ryan: "BTC should kill BCH"

Now ask yourself this.

If you honestly believe that minority chains are not only an existential risk but actually deserve to die, then why would you devote hundreds of millions of dollars to building on BCH, knowing that at any moment it could be wiped out by BTC-dedicated miners? Why would you build anything on the BCH platform (I'm looking at yours.org), if you believed that the rational and ethical play is to kill BCH?

It seems... horribly inconsistent. If SV is correct and successfully demonstrates its attack, then surely they must believe that they're the next ones to die, when BTC squishes them like a bug.

submitted by /u/jessquit
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/9xl2lw/showerthought_if_sv_believes_that_majority_chains/
