Ya’ll weren’t kidding about the corrupt moderators over at r/Bitcoin

Just had a moderator explain to me that every other crypto project is a scam run by malicious actors. All I did was mention Coinbase EARN to someone literally begging for advice on how to get $100 for their family’s Christmas. Aside from selling all my BTC for BCH, what can be done? I tried to post a super polite thread asking for user input on the governance system of r/Bitcoin but they deleted my thread after 4 upvotes and without even a flag warning. I feel gross for having propped up that sub, major remorse. So seriously, despite the things that people say about r/btc I just can’t think of a better place to ask this. What does a BTC / BCH HODLer do?

submitted by /u/ChTender
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/k4y4uy/yall_werent_kidding_about_the_corrupt_moderators/
