Realized I had 18,293,532 Bitcoin at my grandpas house from 2004 - I’m crying!

Literally shaking right now

I was in my grandpa’s office checking all the major exchanges.

I noticed in the corner of my eye a single note on the desk. Clearly it was ancient, stained yellow and smelled like the paper from the days before Facebook. I reached for the scrap, careful to reload the page again with my JO hand - just in case the price spiked to $50k.

I turned it over to see my own handwriting: “survey 12,773 complete...that makes 18.3 million bitcoin for me!”. Stunned, I reeled back remembering my stash of bitcoin I had saved for robux (you could only exchange bitcoin for them then)

I got my shirt back on and went to, quickly clacking in “bitcoin locator old 2003”, the first result was the private keys I had stored in my grandpas computer on the internet.

...shaking...I navigated to the Kracken exchange (what everyone used in 2004 before Coinbase was discovered), and entered my keys...slowly...methodically...ohhh...

IT WORKED!! My nearly 18.3 million bitcoin were lost to me as I totally forgot where my private keys were!!!!1! I bought my dad a house and his wife too. My grandpa said I could keep the office, and I got him a car in return!! Thank you guys so much for everything - Botcoin to the mooon!!

Disclaimer: This is satire, just poking some fun at all the posts like this recently, I don't actually have 5x Jeff Bezos' net worth in Bitcoin :')

And seriously, Quantbase >>> Coinbase, screw Coinbase and their "random" outages

submitted by /u/bigcanofsoda
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