Purse.io earners

Until now I only used purse.io as a shopper, now I wanted to try the “earner” side of purse.

It seems, as of my understanding, that you’re not actually a “earner”, you just exchange your fiat for btc/bch, for a fee >5% (highest I’ve seen was 49% above market) for fulfilling the order. The problem I see is, that these types of fees for just exchanging fiat -> bch would be pretty good for p2p exchanges like localbitcoincom/localcryoto, but I believe that a lot of shoppers would pass on their discount, or even pay extra to get their orders fulfilled as fast as possible, that also would incentivises more people to become earners, as they could earn <1%? per fulfilled order. There should be at least the option to pass on the discount/ pay more to get fulfilled asap.

What do you guys think about that? Did I understand it correctly, or do earners already earn and I just don’t get it?

submitted by /u/selo17
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/qdnvwp/purseio_earners/
