BTC propaganda: we only get one shot to replace fiat so it's BTC or nothing

I've only noticed this one semi-recently. Apparently the idea is out there that if BTC doesn't get the job done of replacing fiat or becoming a reserve currency, then no other crypto even has a chance. Therefore, even if another crypto is superior in all aspects to BTC, it can't be allowed to supplant BTC, because that would mean ultimate crypto failure and the big banks would reign forever.

Of course that's bullshit. There is no evidence that that is the case. We don't want the central banks to establish their own digital currency and have it seen as legitimate by the world. But that doesn't mean that it's BTC or nothing.

Has anyone else noticed this? Am I understanding this propaganda correctly? What other fictional narratives are being spun out there?

submitted by /u/fixthetracking
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