Looking for uses for a lot of old tech just collecting dust.

I have a lot of tech just laying around and I am aiming to put as much as I can to work. Currently I am running a few years old Dell with a smashed monitor and a 2008 iMac both as nodes.

Other items include- iPhone 6s,7,Xs and two iPhone X. Xbox one (OG) and Xbox One X, Xbox 360. MacBook Air 2014(Currently not turning on but may fix in the future)

I have spent hours looking for information on how to get started with the items above, either turn them into nodes or miners but always get nowhere.

If you have had success let me know, my other option for the Xbox’s is donating them to the local Children’s Hospital.

submitted by /u/ELBartoFSL
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/llp5ex/looking_for_uses_for_a_lot_of_old_tech_just/
