Some of us already knew that Bitcoin Cash has been constantly under attacked for the last 5 years. Who is funding all these propaganda, censorships, bots, trolls, etc to undermine Bitcoin Cash?

Charles Mackay, 1814-1889, wrote Extraordinary Popular Delusions & The Madness of Crowds, a book I highly recommend, a must-read today. Also of note, "No Enemies" - "He who has mingled in the fray...must have made foes! If you have none, small is the work you have done." - Michael Burry ( Source: )

No wonder that Bitcoin Cash has been constantly under attacked the last 5 years by...

1a) censorships -

1b) propaganda - and

1c) threats and harassments -

1d) DDOS attacks -

1e) Plus a bunch of other unethical stuff if you care to read more at

Anyone who dares to promote increasing the blocksize or favorably on Bitcoin Cash, they get banned and their voices silenced in certain subreddits (eg. rbitcoin, rcryptocurrency, etc). They also get harassed and attacked by online paid trolls. Mind you, all these started even before the creation of Bitcoin Cash. That’s why many of us ended up in this subreddit and are Bitcoin Cash supporters.

Bitcoin Cash is unstoppable peer to peer money for the world. Join us in making a positive impact to humanity together. Anything that is worth doing, should be done even if the odds seem to be against us.

submitted by /u/MobTwo
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