[WARNING] there is no coin on any exchange, or in any wallet, or on any reputable coin price or ranking site, called "bcash." If someone is referring to a coin called "bcash," they're LYING TO YOU AND TRYING TO GASLIGHT YOU.





TLDR: The name "bcash" arose from an elaborate campaign to disinform and defraud unsuspecting users. Using this term marks you as a disinformation agent.

Note: new users may have heard that term and may repeat it innocently. Try to be patient with such people, who are victims of an elaborate disinformation campaign.

Others, who know better, should simply be called out when they use that term, and debate should stop there. Nobody should engage in otherwise reasonable discussion with anyone who knowingly persists in disinformation.

submitted by /u/jessquit
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/lmevf9/warning_there_is_no_coin_on_any_exchange_or_in/
