New to the family, say hi!

I'm a long time Bitcoin user who does remote web development / blockchain dev and getting paid in crypto and also using crypto wherever possible, the problem to me is that the old Bitcoin vibe and spirit is dead and it was replaced by retard "investors" who bought at 20k and are angry at BCH people for wanting Bitcoin to be a cash system as opposed to a chance to save retard investor asses lol

I've been peeping this place and the entrepeneuralism and idealism here has made me smile, this place reminds me of Bitcoin communities around 2013-2014 when people wanted to change the world for the better and there was this sense of revolution as opposed to normies trying to get rich, I think I'll stick around more haha

Right now I have money to last me for a year and I have a few project ideas like a shapeshift for BCH (no email no upper limits no bs), a jobs website and a social network powered on BCH. I want to give my 5 years of programming experience and time to this cause and I'm already excited, let's free the world and the money!

submitted by /u/BitcoinVulture
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