Question to Core supporters: how does Blockstream explain they spent their resources working on Liquid instead of working on decentralized scaling?

Please help me understand how Liquid could be an acceptable use of resources. Is it because...

  1. they're a private company which can work on whatever they want which is not in the protocol? In such case you trust them to act altruistically and never be in conflicting interest between their business model and their plans for BTC.

  2. Liquid is taking load off the network? That's irrelevant for the function of BTC which was invented to be decentralized money. Helping people speculate on useless shitcoins isn't a priority and users could take off load by moving coins between exchanges using LTC (already approved by Core) or even XRP tokens. In any case that doesn't matter the bit since when using exchanges users don't own their coins anyway.

submitted by /u/unitedstatian
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